Member Monday! Today we want to highlight Donnie Floyd... Donnie lives in Matthews NC and has been married 26 years to wife Jill. He has two children (Son 19 Damon, Daughter 16 Darcy). He is the full-time Chaplain at Hendrick Motorsports through Motor Racing Outreach (NASCAR). Why did you join the community? "I joined because it is a good way to be connected to other Chaplains and to see their different types of ministries. As well as using the platform to learn." Why did you become a Chaplain? "I spent 17 years at Hendrick Motorsports on the Race Teams building race cars. Before that I spent 11 years in Law Enforcement. I missed serving people. Being a follower of Christ, I noticed a need at Hendrick Motorsports for investing in the emotional & spiritual well-being of the 550 employees. I started doing that as a team guy, the company noticed, a chaplain position came open and God lead me to apply. I was accepted and became the chaplain in 2016. In short, I want people to know Christ and to live with purpose!" Advice you would give another chaplain? "Be present, answer the phone, love people, be transparent, and be a good listener. Let people see your passion for the Lord. People are looking for the real deal. Be bold, pray, talk spiritual things, and stand for truth. Why? People are expecting you to." One way we can pray for you? "Pray for open doors to have influence in people's lives. Influence allows for opportunity and opportunity allows for the gospel to go out."

Posted by Hudson Belk at 2021-10-04 18:37:21 UTC