Today’s Member Monday highlights Scott Shaw. Scott lives and resides in Siloam Springs, Arkansas. Scott has been married to his wife, Kristen, for 22 years and they have 3 children (Kate (20), Cooper (17), Rylee Paige (9)). Scott is a character coach with the John Brown University Men’s Basketball Team. Scott also works full-time as Consultant, Trainer, Coach for Mission Increase assigned to Christian Camps across the nation. He also serves as a part-time worship pastor at Journey Church Siloam. Scott, why did you join this community? “I joined this community because I think we are better together than we are by ourselves. Always looking for ways to network and learn from others. Everyday is a great day to get better at what we do.” Why did you become a sports chaplain? “I became a Character Coach / Chaplain because we are commanded to give away what we have been given. My life verse is II Timothy 2:2, “and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.”” ‭‭ What advice would you give to other sports chaplains? “Be present. Most athletes have at some point dealt with abandonment. Show up and be there especially when it is uncomfortable.” How can we pray for you and your ministry? “You can pray for 6 of our players who will be being discipled this year. Pray for me to also make God and family 1st priority.”

Posted by Hudson Belk at 2021-09-13 17:44:42 UTC