Today’s Member Monday spotlight is with Megan Lindsay! We are thrilled to have Megan a part of this community. Here’s a bit more about Megan: Q: Where do you live? A: I recently took a job and moved to Coeur D’Alene, ID, but Spokane, WA will always be my home. Q: What sport are you providing chaplaincy for? A: Currently women’s soccer. I’ve discipled incredible female athletes in Softball, Rugby, Lacrosse, T&F, Acrobatics and Tumbling as well. Q: Why did you join this community? A: I love the community and encouragement on here. I’m big on bringing the church outside the four walls and meeting athletes where they are at. Q: What’s your favorite hobby? A: I love nature, anything outdoors. Fishing, hiking, kayaking, and camping are my faves! Q: What’s a book you are reading right now? A: Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath Q: One way we can pray for you as a chaplain? A: For me to keep it simply and undeniably about Jesus. And to remain in the mystery of the gospel message. Thanks for sharing Megan!

Posted by Stephen Jackson at 2021-05-17 15:09:14 UTC