Hello Chaplains! It’s Monday! And today we are going to introduce a new rolling theme for Mondays here on the app called - MEMBER MONDAYS! We are going to highlight a member of this community each Monday so we can continue to get to know each other! Today we are highlighting Max Schaafsma! Here is a Q&A we had with Max... Q: Where do you live? A: Milan, Italy Q: What sport are you providing chaplaincy for? A: Team Handball Q: Why did you join this community? A: I am excited to be part of this community to hear about how the Lord is using chaplains around the world to serve and grow His kingdom. Q: Favorite hobby? A: I love going to the mountains with a bunch of friends Q: How can we pray for you? A: Please pray for the Lord to soften the hearts of the athletes and coaches I am working with and for the Lord to give me the right words to speak truth into their life. And please also pray for a big evangelistic event we are partnering with on November 20th, that all my teams may not have any games so that they will be free to come to hear the Gospel. Let’s join together in praying for Max and encouraging him in his ministry!

Posted by Stephen Jackson at 2021-05-03 17:30:38 UTC