How is this season leading up to Good Friday and Easter Sunday impacting your ministry? As Easter Sunday approaches at the end of this month, we have a great opportunity to enter into people’s stories and help them understand the significance of the Cross and the Empty Tomb. Some people may actually observe Lent by fasting from something because of family tradition or loose Christian ties. However, they may have little-to-no understanding of the reasons for Lent and the hope and joy found at the Cross and Empty Tomb. Others may just show up to church on Easter Sunday because that is a tradition of the holiday. Others may be Christians but have not developed personal and corporate habits that prepare their hearts to truly celebrate the significant of Holy Week. Obviously, there are people at all different places. This season I am trying to be prayerfully conscience of opportunities to talk about preparing to celebrate Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Lent is traditionally a season where the church is reminded of our frailty and need for redemption. It’s a time to feel our great need for Christ. It’s a time to be aware of the brokenness of this world and the reality of our own sin. It’s a time for repentance. It’s a time to be reminded of our need for hope and joy in the midst of a world of sin and death. Everyone feels the results of the Curse of Sin in their lives. What a great opportunity to hear their stories, hear their hurts, hear their failures and sin and point them to the Lamb of God, our Living Hope! The prayer attached was an encouragement to me and I pray that it would be an encouragement to you! Like this message if you also found this encouraging. Thanks!

Posted by Hudson Belk at 2024-03-08 13:00:49 UTC