As Chaplains, how are we guarding the "good deposit" that has been entrusted to us as ministers of the Gospel of Grace? Often in chaplaincy, I hear many conversations about how are we practically reaching and caring for people (and rightly so). Loving people is a huge part of our calling. However, in chaplaincy ministry we relationally bring ourselves into the lives of others but most importantly, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is the power of God to change lives. Jesus and the truth of God's word is what we seek to point our people to. I have just been reflecting on the truth that we best love the people we are ministering to as we are growing in the knowledge of God and godliness. To that end, are we "guarding", rightly handling and being good stewards of the message of the Gospel that we have been called to bring to those we are ministering to? The article below was a helpful reminder of ways that I could possibly let down "my guard" and mishandle the Gospel entrusted to me.

Posted by Hudson Belk at 2024-02-09 14:52:12 UTC