How is the Gospel shaping the way you do sports ministry? Last week, I shared how often we (I) can lose sight of what we have been called to in ministry (and in sports ministry). I shared how my attitude and actions two weeks ago revealed that I had lost perspective on why I was coaching youth soccer. This past week before our game I had the opportunity to share with my team my daily need for God’s forgiveness and grace in my life. I also confessed the ways where I believed I needed their forgiveness towards me because of my critical spirit and undeserved frustration I had towards them the previous week. I asked for their forgiveness and collectively each one of them told me they forgave me. I then was able to share a little of my desire for them and why I am coaching. Side note, I am curious how the exchange may have gone differently with a bunch of boys because all the girls so kindly wanted to respond by building me up and showing their appreciation. It was really sweet! I don’t share that story to point to myself or what I did. Ultimately for me, it was a reminder of our need to model our dependence on Christ in the way that we care for people in sports. Whether a sports minister, coach or chaplain, we are in need of God’s grace and forgiveness daily. For me, it was an opportunity to be humbled, repent and find joy in Christ through the ministry of coaching these young girls. I pray that God would use moments like that to plant Gospel seeds that may bear fruit in these girls’ and their family’s lives. How can we be praying for your ministry?

Posted by Hudson Belk at 2023-10-06 18:28:58 UTC