What have you feared this week? Or what has caused you anxiety or worry? What are the fears of those you are ministering to this week? I have found this is a helpful question to ask. These are the things that steal our joy and are competing for ultimate allegiances in our hearts. These are the things dominating the lives of those we are trying to serve. I believe Scripture clearly communicates that as we grow in the fear of the Lord, other fears will quiet or lose their voice in our hearts. What is one of the greatest needs for yourself and those you are serving? The fear of the Lord! This week I have been meditating on the connection between the fear of the Lord and our increasing joy! Here are a few Scriptures… Proverbs 28:14 “Blessed (happy) is the one who fears the LORD always.” Nehemiah 1:11 “O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of your servant, and to the prayer of your servants who delight to fear your name, and give success to your servant today, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man.” Psalm 2:11 “Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.” Matthew 28:8 “So they departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples.” Psalm 112:1 “Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who greatly delights in his commandments!”

Posted by Hudson Belk at 2023-09-22 20:42:56 UTC