Hey Everyone! It is great to be re-connected with an old friend - Bob Dyar. The picture is me doing my passion - clay target shooting. I hope someone will tell me how to put my face up without the gun. Haha I and my wife, Doris, are FCA huddle leaders here in Albany, GA. We serve at middle schools and high school levels. We are training these young athletes to be the hero's of tomorrow. Just think about this. A middle school student has never been though a world changing event like COVID. And with no school and churches being closed during that time, they have suffered greatly. There is a lot of work to do. We are training them to 1. ENGAGE, EQUIP, and EMPOWER to share their faith on and off the court. A concept that Bob Dyar started working years ago. Thanks for letting me in your group! Always remember - what you do, will depend on your relationship with Jesus Christ.

Posted by Brent Houston at 2023-08-16 20:17:22 UTC