Yesterday, I took a test to find out my Spiritual Gifts! Do you know your Spiritual Gifts? Comment them below! My results showed that my primary gifts are Hospitality, Faith, and Serving. My secondary gifts are Mercy, Exhortation, and Administration. I found this really interesting for two reasons: 1) The results showed I have multiple gifts, not just one. God created us so creatively and we don't just fit into a box! I can imagine that each of us has very different combinations of gifts and that is intentional. 2) My results have changed since I first took this test (probably 5 years ago). Administration used to be my #1 gift (while I had my first full-time job post college before living out of my parents house) and now it's hospitality - I have my own home with my husband and we are preparing to become foster parents! I hope this encourages you in knowing that God created you with special gifts so that you can bless others in your ministry and your daily life! I will list them all in the comments.

Posted by Victoria Montano at 2023-07-10 15:38:54 UTC