In Greater than Gold by David Boudia, David shares his olympic journey to being a gold medalist diver through his life journey and ultimately his life in Christ. He shared this thought early on in the book which reminded me of a view of Biblical competition we've mentioned before in striving together for the glory of God. "Thomas was not just my diving partner, he was also my main competition. Since we had grown up together and been diving with each other since 2022, we were like brothers. We would bicker like brothers and we would be friends like brothers when we worked as a team. At the same time, we were competing individually, but it was still awesome. We pushed each other to excel. Yes, we were competitors, but we were also good friends. Because I trained with him, my game improved. He motivated me and stretched me. I owe Thomas a great deal and would not be the diver I am today without him."

Posted by Jenny Young at 2023-04-25 14:38:04 UTC